What I Do to Straighten my Hair

I'm soooo glad I decided to film a little of the process it takes for me to straighten my hair. I didn't think you all would be interested and it turns out many of you were! Many of you probably know my struggles with getting my hair to straighten and stay straighten, this time I was able to get it EVEN straigher...fingers crossed that this rain won't mess it up. I feel like I've learned so much about straightening natural hair since the first time I straightened, last year. 

Products Used:
Shampoo: Tresemme Silky and Smooth
Conditioner: Tresemme Moisture something :)
Deep Condition/Treatment: Aphogee 2 Minute Re-constructor
Heat Protectant: GVP Silk Remedy 
Tool: Conair Blow Dryer and Jilbere Vented Straightening/Cutting Comb (I love this thing. Review coming soon)

What I didn't show:
I started out as usual with shampooing,conditioning, and doing a little treatment. Something I did differently this time was that I detangled the mess out of my hair...which I found to REALLY REALLY REALLY help speed up the blow drying time. 



Anonymous said...

Girl, your hair is fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Your hair has grown ALOT!!! Can you do a video on how to retain length? Or how to get ones hair to grow?

renee032 said...

Do you always do a protein treatment before straightening? If not do you think it makes a difference.

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