In Between...

So you're probably wondering how was I able to handle two completely different textures for a whole nine months. Well I'll tell...
  1. Make sure you have the right products
  2. Keep in mind you DO have two different textures that are prone to breakage
  3. Educate your self on natural hair and relaxed hair
  4. Remember to keep your eye on the prize!
Number one: Make sure you have products that are healthy for your hair. Some products may say that they will "moisturize your hair" or "leave your hair feeling like silk". Don't believe it until you look at the ingredients. For example: the Let's Jam Moisture Jam.
When I first started to transition, I thought that products such as this one and many others would be great to use on my hair because it said it on the bottle. I mean why would they lie to us. Right! Well don't believe everything you read. I found that many black hair products that are sold in Wal-mart and beauty supply stores ofter have drying and harmful ingredients in them. Another product I know many of black females ofter swear by is Motions Hair Lotion Oil Moisturizer (the one in the pink bottle). When you first put it on "boy" does it smooth those fly-aways down and the smell isn't too bad either. But just like the Let's Jam Moisturizer it contains Mineral oil, cones, parbens, and others.
So exactly how do I choose the right product? Look for products that don't have mineral oil, petrolatum, sodium lauryl sulfate, bad alcohols, and parbens. I'll do a more detailed post on why these ingredients are so bad and others to look out for.

Number two: if you decide to transition for a while, please know that your hair will shed (which is normal) and will break (which is not so normal). This is because the natural hair (new growth) is stronger than the relaxed hair. Think of as the new growth trying to tell the relaxed hair "To get out of here. There's a new boss in town!" The point where the two textures met is very prone to breakage. To help avoid this problem you are going to have to start treating your hair like it is already natural. Meaning using less heat to no heat, comb only when wet (depending on how much new growth you have), condition and moisturize your hair regularly.

Number three: Pretty much branches off of number two. Just do your research on what to expect, how manage your hair, and just everything else. There are lots of websites out there that deal with natural hair/transitioning hair. One of my favorites is:

So finally the last tip: Remember why you want to go natural. I haven't heard anyone say that transitioning is easy. Trust me I'll be the first to tell you. You may experience negative reactions from your friend, family members, and/or strangers. BUT DON'T LET THEIR OPINIONS STOP YOU! Some days you may feel like you are ugly. BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU! Dealing with those two textures may get on your last nerve. BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU! It may seem like your isn't getting you any where. BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU!

From the beginning to now, I am lovin every second of being natural!!


Anonymous said...

I think you are brave to cut your hair. The natural look is a great look on you. You go girl! --CJ Teach

the golden sparkle said...

Thank you girl you should do it too!!!

nesha said...

going natural is so hard especially if your in high school (like me). this blog is soo helpful thank you for sharing. :)

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